AMERICA/MEXICO - Forum "Migration and Peace": promoting human dignity and peaceful coexistence as a universal right for all

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - On 20 and 21 October 2011, as part of the National Week of the Migrant, the third International Forum on Migration and Peace will be held in Mexico City, organized by the National Institute of Migration in Mexico. The purpose of this Third Forum is to continue networking at an international level to promote human dignity and peaceful coexistence as a universal right for everyone. In the note sent from the General House of the Scalabrini to fides is read that the Forum will bring together representatives of governments and civil society in order to promote the debate and dialogue on the implications of the multifaceted phenomenon of migration and promote the peaceful coexistence of peoples and democracy.
The Third Forum will have as its slogan, "Safe International Migration" and will examine the impact of violence on international migration and refugee flows, and how governmental powers (legislative, executive and judiciary) and civil society protagonists can define and implement policies and programs to promote safety for migrants and refugees who cross international borders, as well as pursue new relationships that allow civil coexistence.
The International Forum on Migration and Peace is organized by the Scalabrini International Network for Migration ( in coordination with agencies of the countries in which the forum takes place, so this Third Forum is organized in coordination with the Presidency of Mexico and the National Institute of Migration. At the opening of the Forum, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, President of the Constitutional Mexico, and Oscar Arias Sanchez, Former President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize, 1987 will intervene. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 18/10/2011)
