ASIA/PHILIPPINES - A missionary involved in the apostolate among the tribal has been killed in Mindanao

Monday, 17 October 2011

Kidapawan (Agenzia Fides) - Father Fausto Tentorio, an Italian missionary of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME), pastor of Arakan Valley, on the big island of Mindanao (southern Philippines), was killed this morning, between 8.30 and 9 in front of his parish. This was confirmed to Fides by his brother Fr. Giovanni Vettorello, PIME, who had been living with him for eight years. The missionary, on his way to a priest’s meeting of the Diocese of Kidapawan, all of a sudden was attacked by two armed men who cold-bloodedly shot him to the head and back. The priest was taken to hospital (in Antipas, about 20 km from the scene of the crime), but the doctors simply confirmed his death. When the news reached Kidapawan, the Bishop, Mgr. Romulo De la Cruz, "was shocked and speechless," and his brother, Fr. Vettorello, returned to Arakan and then rushed to the hospital. The local faithful are holding a wake over the body in the parish and they pray continuously.
The homocide "took everyone by surprise," says Fr. Vettorello to Fides. "We are not living a time of particular tension, as in the past. Of course, the missionary work always involves risks, but Fr. Tentorio had no enemies, neither did he ever say that he had received threats, nor had there been a striking episode to justify the crime. He was also a very shrewd and prudent person. Fr. Tentorio was working in the apostolate among the tribals. But before embarking on a program or project, he tested the waters to understand possible difficulties thanks to the local staff."
The brother said: "He dedicated his life to the service of literacy and development of these indigenous, called lumads, in particular the tribes of manobo. They are poor and marginalized populations. He created programs of education, built water mains to provide drinking water to villages and fields, launched formation courses. In this way, he gave his testimony of Christian love and service to others, to the poor". In this work, perhaps, notes Fr. Vettorello, "problems can arise related to the possession of lands, conflicts between farmers, disputes between different tribes. But no one expected such a tragic event. I am convinced that Fr. Fausto’s blood is the blood of a martyr who will give good results in the mission in the Philippines", concludes Father Giovanni.
Father Tentorio, had been living in the Philippines since 1978, and working in the Diocese of Kidapawan since 1980. Currently he was the diocesan Director of the Apostolate among the lumads. Fr. Tentorio is the third Italian missionary of the PIME to be killed in Mindanao: Father Tullio Favali was killed in 1985, always in Kidpawan, while in 1992 Fr. Salvadore Carzedda was killed in Zamboanga City. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/10/2011)
