AMERICA/BRAZIL - Missionaries from 11 countries are studying the Brazilian reality in which they will work

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - At the Mission Cultural Center of Brazil twenty missionaries from abroad are participating in the 106th edition of the course promoted by CENFI (Center for Intercultural Formation) as an introduction to the mission in Brazil. This 2011 edition of the course sees the participation of 20 missionaries, whose average age is 29, from 11 countries: Ghana, Italy, Nigeria, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam, Poland, Honduras, Slovakia, Paraguay and Germany. 8 young people come from Germany and will participate in only the first part of the course, which as a whole lasts 90 days.
According to information Fides received, the course by CENFI is divided into three basic proposals: systematic learning of the Portuguese language, internships in the homes of families, introduction concerning society, culture and life of the Church in Brazil. The goal is a first introduction, interaction and discipleship of the foreign missionary in the Brazilian reality. During this period, beyond the lessons, formation, living together, events, moments of leisure and spirituality, there is also a valuable exchange among the participants.
The course began on September 25 and already after less than a month, "we can verify that the various parts of the program by CENFI focuses on personal growth of the missionary community and on the community’s strength, because the family ties are crucial for proper experience of acculturation, as a fundamental human, intellectual, pastoral and spiritual key resource", underlines the director of the Mission Cultural Center, father Estêvão Scrapers, left. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/10/2011)
