ASIA/HONG KONG - Year of the Laity: the importance of catechetical formation and a practical life of faith

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Catechetical formation and to live faith concretely are two fundamental elements for the growth and the deepening of Christians’ faith, especially in the Year of the Laity, that the diocese of Hong Kong is experiencing. Thus, the Catholic community in Hong Kong has intensified its catechism because not only the catechumens, but also all the faithful deepen the knowledge of the Magisterium, Scriptures and the Tradition that constitutes the heritage of the Church. According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), in view of the recent opening of the catechism course in the diocese, the Diocesan Catechetical Centre has called for "a community accompaniment in the faith for the formation of catechumens and even for the life-long formation of the faithful". According to the director of the Centre "we cannot take into consideration only the number of baptized, but also the quality of formation". Formation that also includes concrete experience of faith in one’s life is required. The Centre has therefore called parishes, Sunday-school, catechists "to organize charitable initiatives, pilgrimages, moments of sharing, especially in the Year of the Laity". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 13/10/2011)
