VATICAN - "Give voice to children": the strong point of the Secretary General of the Holy Childhood Association

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The commitment of Holy Childhood Association is to raise children’s awareness that they have a role to carry out in the Church today and not only that of tomorrow" explains Ms. Baptistine Ralamboarison, Secretary General of Holy Childhood, the first woman to be nominated for this position, pointing out the challenges, commitments, projects and goals which she dedicates to this Missionary Society in favor of children around the world.
"They need to grow in the missionary dimension - she continues – promoting among each other the sharing of faith, prayer and material goods. They have to be trained from an early age using an appropriate language for their age; it is a particularly important challenge for the Western world where consumerism and relativism are making us lose sight of Christian values. The child who correctly understands the missionary formation will take it to heart for a lifetime and will spread it like wildfire".
"My strong point - underlines the Secretary General of Holy Childhood- is to give voice to children, leaving them to witness and share the Gospel message throughout the world in their manner and form, guiding them of course, but not imposing on them the language, the mentality and the right way to act as if they were adults. Children are not just the adults of tomorrow, they are absolutely people now, they know how to bear witness to the Word with enthusiasm and with their Christian commitment have proven to be able to bring the Gospel not only among their peers but also among adults. For this reason Holy Childhood promotes their animation and their formation with great benefit of the missions".
Speaking of the meetings which the Secretary General, Ms. Ralamboarison regularly takes part in throughout the world says: "During the recent visits to Latin America I could see with joy that Holy Childhood is alive and present in almost all the dioceses of Argentina and Peru. Despite the serious problems these countries face and despite the existence of very poor children, all, without distinction, poor and rich, joyfully share their spiritual and material availability, even the celebration of the Mass are characterized by great joy. The Society in these countries is a reality: children are excited, they want to do, to be a living part of the Church".
Holy Childhood finances about 2,500 projects around the world every year, with a budget of $ 20 million made available to children from all 5 continents. The ordinary subsidies are intended for spiritual activities aimed at promoting the Society, special subsidies are a rather special assistance for projects such as construction or maintenance of schools, clinics, shelters, orphanages, etc.., as they have children as direct beneficiaries.
During the last Annual General Meeting of the Pontifical Mission Societies, held in Rome in May, 261 projects were approved in Africa for the pastoral care of Childhood (ordinary subsidies for the diocese), 24 for the animation and Missionary formation, 112 for pre-school education, 491 for school education, 192 for Christian formation and 404 for the protection of life.
In America, 22 projects were approved for the Pastoral Care of Childhood (ordinary subsidies for the diocese), 10 for animation and missionary formation, 9 for pre-school education, 26 for school education, 24 for Christian formation and 34 for the protection of life.
In Asia, 145 projects for the Pastoral Care of Childhood (ordinary subsidies for the diocese), 15 for animation and missionary formation, 47 for pre-school education, 588 for school education, 78 for Christian formation and 308 for the protection of life.
In Europe, 2 projects were approved for pre-school education, 5 for school education, 5 for Christian formation and 11 for the protection of life.
In Oceania: 13 projects for the pastoral care of Childhood (ordinary subsidies for the diocese), 1 for animation and missionary formation, 1 for pre-school education, 11 for school education, 7 for Christian formation and 7 for the protection of life. The total is 2,853 projects around the world. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 13/10/2011)
