ASIA/PAKISTAN - Governor Taseer’s murderer’s death sentence has been suspended, the path towards "Islamic forgiveness" is open

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The Court of Appeal in Islamabad declared the admissibility of the appeal prepared by Mumtaz Qadri’s lawyers, the self-confessed murderer of the Governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, who had defended Asia Bibi and declared the "blasphemy law" amendable (see Fides 01/10/2011). The Court has also suspended the death sentence issued by the anti-terrorism Court in Rawalpindi, until the outcome of the appeal trial.
Qadri is defended by a lawyer of great importance and depth, Khawaja Muhammad Sharif, former Chief Justice of the High Court in Lahore, "a sign that the fundamentalists who want to save Qadri have much money available and fielded all their political force", notes a source of Fides. The strategy of Qadri’s defense intends to state the anti-terrorism Court "not capable due to a defect of jurisdiction" ("Qadri is not a terrorist", they say) and ask the High Court in Islamabad to apply the Islamic jurisdiction, through which Qadri could be released by applying the "diyat" (the so-called "blood price"), so the murderer can compensate the victim’s family with a sum of money, obtaining "forgiveness" and freedom.
At the first hearing of the appeal trial in Islamabad, held yesterday, October 11, there were many Islamic militants of the network "Tahafuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat" (Alliance to defend the name of the Prophet) who are pressing for his release, inside and outside the courtroom. Some Ulemas (religious leaders) wanted to be present in the courtroom, but the court denied them permission.
According to one Christian lawyer interviewed by Fides in Pakistan, "this sort of trial towards Qadri was expected. The High Court in Islamabad may decide to apply the Islamic law: this is an open door, which could be a loophole for Qadri’s release. Before the international community, the killer had been sentenced to death (in the first instance), so the Pakistani justice system is safe. In front of the fundamentalists, on the other hand, the path has been smoothed in order to be able to release him, despite everything, simply by applying the mechanism of diyat". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2011)
