EUROPE/SPAIN - "Despite the crisis, there is great generosity and sensitivity towards the Church's missionary activity", says the National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "The National Secretariat of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith works all year round on the organization of World Mission Day, and during the National Assembly of Diocesan Directors, which is held in May, the fruits of their work is presented". This is emphasized by father Anastasio Gil Garcia, National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Spain, contacted by Fides on the occasion of World Mission Day to be celebrated worldwide on 23 October.
"The preparation of the Day foresees the missionary animation of the Christian communities - says the National Director -; the preparation of material for the formation of the faithful; the promotion of the missionary vocation for life through the testimony of the missionaries who have come back; the economic cooperation in favor of mission territories; coordinating all missionary institutions through the National Council of Missions, which is under the control of the Episcopal Commission for Missions".
"I would also like to stress - continues Fr. Anastasio - that all financial contributions is collected thanks to the faithful, private donations, inheritances and bequests. Despite the severe economic crisis that is affecting Spanish families, with over 20% of the population unemployed, people continue to be very generous and sensitive to the needs of the missionary activity of the Church. Currently about 15 000 Spanish missionaries are on a mission in the five continents. Because of age and health reasons missionaries are declining, but every year about 150 missionaries between religious men and women, diocesan priests and laity leave".
"I thank God because the Spanish continue to consider everything that is connected to the mission of the Church. However, the current secularism in our society that we perceive, is felt in both the spiritual and personal cooperation and in the economic field. This difficulty, however, does not discourage us at all, indeed, it is a permanent stimulus to work more strongly for the formation and missionary information", concluded the National Director of the PMS. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2011)
