VATICAN - The Pope will celebrate the bicentenary of the independence of Latin American Countries at St. Peter's

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Pontifical Commission for Latin America announced that "the Holy See wishes to join in the celebrations of the bicentenary of Latin American countries with an important initiative. Pope Benedict XVI welcomed and appreciated the proposal made by the Pontifical Commission for Latin America to preside a solemn Mass at St. Peter's Basilica because of the bicentenary of Latin American countries. "The statement sent to Fides says that this celebration will take place on a very significant date, on 12 December, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe "Patroness of Latin America, the pedagogue of the inculturation of the faith, mother and protector of her people, whose image has been very present in patriotic armies".
The Mass which will be celebrated by the Holy Father at 5.30: the Roman Curia, the diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See and the Italian Government, Latin American priests studying in Rome, the religious men of the various Latin American orders and congregations who live in Rome, the communities of Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and all other Latin American countries that for work or family reasons live in Rome are all invited in a special way. For this important event the presence of important public personalities from Latin America are expected. The invitation is also extended to the Romans and pilgrims.
The commemorations to mark the bicentenary of the independence have acquired great importance and resonance in Latin American Countries. The celebrations which have already taken place until today- and will continue over the next few years - are binding States, national and local administrations, and various regional intergovernmental bodies, universities and academic institutions, many non-governmental organizations and many other civil, cultural and military bodies. Even the local churches in Latin America are also directly involved, and in particular the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM). Numerous documents and statements have been dedicated to the bicentanary - from both the Episcopal Conferences and the individual bishops - and various programs of the Church celebrations at a liturgical, academic and publishing level have been elaborated. These celebrations are to be held from 2010 to 2014, except for Peru and Brazil that will commemorate the bicentenary between 2020 and 2022. The process of emancipation of Latin American took place from 1808 to 1824, where the independence of Haiti (1804), that of Cuba (1898) and the latest in the world Caribbean should be added. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2011)
