VATICAN - St. Joseph International Missionary College: catechists are called to invite mankind to take part in the Feast of the kingdom

Monday, 10 October 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday 8 October, St. Joseph International Missionary College, welcomed for the first time, the new Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Archbishop Fernando Filoni, who visited the small community of lay people, guests of the College of Propaganda Fide. There are twenty-five members from nineteen countries and twenty-eight dioceses of the five continents of the world, plus three trainers. Here, sent by their respective Bishops and guests of Propaganda Fide. Archbishop Filoni recommended and encouraged the laity to prepare themselves on a quality level for the new task, and above all to love their mission, making life a passionate gift to the service of the proclamation. During the Eucharistic celebration, with an appreciated catechetical testimony, he compared the catechists themselves to those who know from experience the best cross-roads, the closest to real human experience, those more in touch with their people, their communities: they are called and sent to invite mankind to take part in the Feast of the kingdom.
The new Prefect was welcomed by the President of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Archbishop Piergiuseppe Vacchelli, the Under Secretary of the Missionary Dicastery, Fr. Massimo Cenci, the Director of the Domus Missionalis, Mgr. Silvano Rossi; Rector of the College, Fr. Roberto Villa, O.M.I, who on behalf of the entire Community addressed greetings and best wishes to the new Prefect, showing filial affection and prayers to ensure support to the new task entrusted by the Holy Father.
The Laity and the Trainers of the Community College, grateful to Archbishop Filoni for accepting the invitation to inaugurate the Year of Academic and Pastoral Training Experience, 2011, lived the meeting, prepared in prayer, with the joy of feeling loved and greeted by a father who is an expression of the presence and communion with Pope Benedict XVI. Encouraged and supported by the testimony of faith and of deep humanity of international experience, the presence of His Exc. Mgr. Filoni, sign-sacrament of the Good Shepherd who gathers his flock, described the event as a gift of grace. (Agenzia Fides 10/10/2011)
