AMERICA/NICARAGUA - The Church wants to know the truth about father Pupiro’s death

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Managua (Agenzia Fides) - "The clergy of the Archdiocese of Managua, united as one body in communion with the Archbishop and the Auxiliary Bishop for the monthly meeting of October, would like to remember our brother priest Father Marlon Ernesto Pupiro Garcia, the victim of a terrible crime": these are the words the clergy of the Archdiocese of Managua expresses itself in a statement of which a copy was sent to Fides, which concerns father Marlon Ernesto Pupiro’s death (see Fides 24/08/2011 and 29/08/2011).
The statement continues: "When we learned with great sorrow and sadness the news of the killing of father Marlon, whose priestly service to the Church was sealed with the gift of his life, we all met in the Parish de la Concha to profess our faith in the resurrection before the body of our brother priest, mourn his passing and pray for his soul, and ask for his intercession to the Lord of heaven for our Country, which, again, has seen its land stained with innocent blood".
The 118 priests who attended the meeting in October and signed the final statement, reaffirm the unity of the Church before the violent situations of this kind, and together with the Bishops of the Archdiocese, with the support of all the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua continue to ask the National Police and the Office of the Attorney General "to find out the truth, overcoming the shortcomings and inconsistencies that have until now marked the investigation". The statement ended with strong words to express the repudiation of this crime that "offends the love of our people to their priests and also expressed solidarity in the face of cowardly threats that many priests have received in an anonymous way".
Finally, the signatories hope for an election process far from any violence or revenge, inviting us to walk the path of justice, freedom and tolerance among Nicaraguans. The elections should be held on 6 November where 3.4 million Nicaraguans will elect the President, Vice President, 90 deputies for the National Assembly and 20 Members for the Central American Parliament. There is controversy over the candidacy of President Daniel Ortega, who has run for parliament again, in contrast with the constitution but with the approval of the supreme court. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2011)
