VATICAN - "A whole generation is likely to get lost", said Cardinal Sarah presenting initiatives for the Horn of Africa

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The Catholic Church will continue to do her part and to seek collaboration with other Christian communities in order to play an active role in resolving the current humanitarian emergency in the Horn of Africa", said Cardinal Robert Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum", during the press conference on October 7 after a meeting concerning the food crisis in the Horn of Africa. The meeting, organized by "Cor Unum", was attended by various Catholic charitable organizations involved in helping the people of the area, as well as a representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Cardinal Sarah recalled that the drama of the Horn of Africa is a matter which is "very dear to the Holy Father. " Pope Benedict XVI, through "Cor Unum", has allocated $ 400,000 for immediate intervention. In total the funds raised by the Catholic Church amount to over 60 million euros.
Michel Roy, Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis", pointed out that the efforts of Catholic charitable organizations are integrated, from the single parish Caritas to the different national Caritas. Among these, said Roy, there are the Caritas of small states, like, like that of Sao Tome and Principe, and that of Paraguay, which for the first time in its history has called for a national collection.
It is estimated that 13 million people need humanitarian assistance: 4 million in Somalia; 4.6 million in Ethiopia; 3.75 million in Kenya and 147,000 in Djibouti.
The most difficult situation is that in south-central Somalia, because of the political situation in the Country that - as pointed out by His Exc. Mgr. Giorgio Bertin, Bishop of Djibouti and Apostolic Administrator of Mogadishu – it has been without a state administration for 20 years. Mgr. Bertin underlined, however, that aid, albeit with difficulty, manages to arrive in the area. "We prefer to send money, because food aid would attract the attention of gangs. In spite of everything there is a market in Somalia and there is the possibility of purchasing bare necessities to assist people in need", said Mgr. Bertin.
From the press conference what energed was the concern of the Church to move beyond the emergency phase (which must still be faced with decision), to create long-term conditions that prevent the recurrence of similar tragedies that are likely to affect the region's future. "An entire generation is likely to get lost", said Cardinal Sarah, who launched an appeal to build schools: "a school in every village! I say this as an African: let us unite in an effort to help the Horn of Africa to provide education, and culture to our children". (LM) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2011)
