ASIA/HONG KONG - Federation of Catholic students: 50 years for evangelization and for the disadvantaged

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - The Federation of Catholic Students of the diocese of Hong Kong which aims to "unite the Catholic students in order to apply the Christian spirit", celebrates 50 years of mission. According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (the Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), over 200 members of the Federation took part in the commemorative celebration on 1 October at the inauguration of the school, presided by Mgr. Pierre Lam Minh, MEP, the diocesan Vicar. According to Mgr. Lam Minh "in the past 50 years, the Federation has been able to promote justice and peace, paying the utmost attention to society and walk alongside the poor and the marginalized". The Vicar of the diocese, therefore encouraged the Catholic students to "carry out the mission of evangelization to build a country of love and justice, following the teaching of Holy Scripture, giving a collective witness of communion". Mgr. Lam also thanked the Jesuits for their contribution to the growth and development of the Federation with their spiritual leader. According to Catholic students present "50 years of the anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the future".
The Federation of Catholic Students is composed of 12 Catholic students Associations. Its two main goals are: to promote faith because it takes root in the concrete life of inculturation in the spirit of Vatican Council II; to help students learn about the life of the needy by participating actively in defense of fundamental human rights to build a proper society. Many students, after the experience in the Federation, have become active members also in the life of the Church as for example extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, catechists ... (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2011)
