AMERICA/MEXICO - Discouragement among the population of Veracruz due to the climate of violence: 36 corpses were found

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Veracruz (Agenzia Fides) - Just two days after the signing of the plan "Veracruz Seguro" between the federal government and the state government of Veracruz, 32 bodies were found in 3 houses, and another 4 bodies were found on the same day, October 6, in nearby locations. A statement on behalf of the Navy says that thanks to the work carried out by members of special forces, human remains of respectively 11 and 20 people were found in areas of Costa Verde and Jardines de Virginia. During the day other corpses were later found. The Navy stated that these crimes were "specific executions of organized crime".
On Sunday, October 2, the Bishop of Córdoba (Veracruz),Mgr. Eduardo Porfirio Patiño Leal, had asked on behalf of the Catholic Church, to begin to restore confidence back to the police, in order to live in peace. Bishop Patiño Leal had asked the population to feel calm in front of members of the Army and Navy who began patrolling the city. If anyone were stopped by them it was only to guarantee security, and basically, according to the words of the Bishop, "whoever has no debt, has no fear."
Unfortunately, violence in the area has increased recently. Only in September, in the same area, 35 people were found killed by the underworld. On Tuesday, October 4 the Secretary of the Central Government, Francisco Blake, announced along with the governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte, the coordinated Operation "Veracruz Seguro" to fight organized crime in the State, after the discovery of 35 bodies of suspected cartel members of drug traffickers belonging to the Zeta group. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2011)
