ASIA/CHINA - Catholics live the traditional celebration of the elderly according to Christian teaching

Friday, 7 October 2011

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - "The father of a just man will exult with glee; he who begets a wise son will have joy in him. Let your father and mother have joy; let her who bore you exult"(Pr 23.24 to 25). The continental Catholic community not only has always lived the traditional Chinese celebration of the elderly, but has enriched it with Christian values. In the Chinese tradition the elderly are the symbol of wisdom, skill, experience, self-denial, authority and love, all values that are often encountered in the Sacred Scriptures and Christian teaching. In addition, the religious life of all the Catholic communities in China benefits from a significant contribution of older people: they are loyal collaborators of priests and nuns, fervent catechists and volunteers who are always available. In its long ancient history, the Chinese culture annually dedicates the festival of the elderly, which according to the lunar calendar this year fell on October 5. During this festival, several Catholic communities in mainland China organized initiatives to celebrate the elderly and also to introduce the teaching of the Church and the Bible, which recommend the respect and consideration for the elderly.
According to information Fides received from different dioceses of the continent, the Center for Service in Guangqi of the diocese of Shanghai organized the elderly’s party in the Cathedral, the guest of honor was the 90-year-old Bishop, Bishop Jin, and many elderly priests. In addition, the volunteers of the Centre brought gifts to the House of Elders of the diocese, run by nuns. In the diocese of San Yuan, Bishop Han, the diocesan Bishop, presided at the party dedicated to the elderly because they "have dedicated their lives to the Church." The elders responded with enthusiasm: "We can and we still want to work for the Church". In the diocese of Xi An, in the Shaan Xi province, more than 200 senior faithful attended the solemn Mass dedicated to them, followed by the meeting on the theme "The Love of God makes the beauty of the sunset shine." In China the elderly age is considered like the sunset, but in a positive way. Finally, priests gave the anointing of the sick to the elderly present. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 07/10/2011)
