ASIA/PAKISTAN - "All the baptized for the mission of the Church, which is the mission of Christ": the testimony of a religious Camillian

Friday, 7 October 2011

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - On 23 October all the parishes of the Catholic Church in Pakistan will celebrate World Mission Day, and the whole Church of the Asian country is getting ready for this moment. "This is a day of communion with the Mother Church" says the Camillian Mushtaq Anjum, MI to Fides. "We become all one in prayer and communion, in sharing resources with others for the love of Christ, to whose mission we take part". "Many priests, continues Mushtaq, are busy preparing people for this event. The diocese of Hyderabad has printed posters and stickers, as well as publishing Pope Benedict XVI’s message. This year's theme is: 'The Church exists for the Mission: Mission in situations of distress'. All Christians are baptized for the mission, the mission of the Church which is Christ's mission. This mission must be translated through catechesis services, education and social services. It is like a candle that has to light another. This process must be kept alive and on the move".
"The celebration of Mission Day- adds the Camillian - challenges us to work for the mission entrusted to us by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It compels all Christians to share the responsibility with all the good news of Christ. In the parish of Rehmpur Chak 6, Faisalabad diocese, we will continue to distribute the envelopes in which to collect the offers in the weeks following, to make people aware of the importance of supporting the Church's mission. The organization of the parish will hold seminars and other meetings for children, who are the missionaries of tomorrow. We will pray for all the missions of the world so that they bring fruits and increasingly recognize that we are all disciples of Jesus" (AP) (Agenzia Fides 07/10/2011)
