AMERICA/ARGENTINA - The importance of the mass-media and study Centers to analyze the migration phenomenon, confirmed by the Scalabrinian Missionaries

Friday, 7 October 2011

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - The importance of the mass-media and study Centers to read and analyze the phenomenon of migration in adherence to the Scalabrinian charism and the proposed Scalabrinian international news agency: these are two of the findings from the International Meeting of the Scalabrinian Missionaries, just celebrated in Buenos Aires (see Fides 4/10/2011). The 33 Scalabrinians, under the chairmanship of the Superior General, Father Sergio Geremia, from 15 countries and leaders of several specific areas in which the congregation and the Scalabrinian Lay Movement work, confronted each other to further investigate the reality of migration in which the Scalabrinian congregation has been active for a long time, present in 31 states in 5 continents.
According to information Fides received, the meeting underlined that "the phenomenon of migration, today, is actually the most important and massive in the world", also "human mobility, chosen or suffered, is the qualifying element and characteristic of our society". Migrants make us aware that the planet has become therefore "our common global village".
Among the significant points the Scalabrinian Congregation has to face concerning the new challenges, the unique role of the laity was highlighted, "protagonists and co-responsible in human mobility", the importance of reception Centers for migrants at the border and on the outskirts of large cities; the active and stimulating presence in local parishes and inter-ethnic missions. The Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, met the group of missionaries and was personally interested in their work and pastoral decisions. He also presided on Thursday, October 6, the Eucharistic Celebration. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/10/2011)
