EUROPE/SWITZERLAND - Refugees: Public opinion and political expediency have inacted the need for protection of asylum seekers in a negative way

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Geneva (Agenzia Fides) - "In its Preamble, the 1951 Refugee Convention sets as its purpose 'to assure refugees the widest possible exercise of their fundamental rights and freedoms'. But today in many regions of the world millions of refugees are yet unable to enjoy these rights." These are the words of Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi, Permanent Representative of the Holy See to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, in his speech on October 4 at the 62nd Session of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).
In his speech, which Fides received, the Archbishop did not fail to point out that despite the efforts of organizations and states to ensure security and dignity to refugees, there are still important gaps highlighted by recent dramatic events like "the people’s revolution" in some parts of North Africa and the drought and conflict in the Horn of Africa that have sparked large refugee flows as well as by protracted refugee situations in the Middle East and elsewhere. The most tragic evidence of unfinished protection task comes from the more than 1,500 people who died while trying to cross the Mediterranean, others who drowned crossing the Gulf of Aden and the uncalculated numbers who died walking out of Somalia in search for safety this year alone.
"Public opinion and political expediency have inacted the need for protection of asylum seekers in a negative way - denounced Mgr. Tomasi -. Among these negative consequences, we note with deep regret that detention of asylum seekers and other people in need of protection is rising and it is no longer used as a last resort for exceptional cases. These people who are looking for protection or for ways of trying to survive are literally locked up and guarded as if they were criminal prisoners, and children too are placed in the same condition". The physical and psychological consequences of detention, are disastrous, so it is urgent to promote alternatives.
Mgr. Tomasi then drew the attention of those who cannot return to countries of origin and yet are completely excluded from social services in countries where they are living. "These people are in limbo, in a dead end, with no perspective" denounced the Archbishop, stressing that the policies of state authorities that "completely exclude such groups of uprooted people from any official assistance and leave them in distress and penury even though they need protection".
The Archbishop recalled that at present more than half of the refugee population is located outside camps and it is particularly vulnerable to destitution, and that "national and local authorities should continue assuming responsibility for these refugees with the assured solidarity of international agencies".
Hundreds of unauthorized lone boys from the Middle East and other places, are making their way across Europe challenging the protection system of the countries they cross. "In fact, unaccompanied minors are in the thousands. In 2008 a total of 11,292 applications for asylum were lodged by unaccompanied minors in 22 Member States of the European Union. Some even died hidden in containers or in the undercarriage of trucks", said Mgr. Tomasi stressing the need for" renewed attention to their need of protection and to the development of practical measures to help them adjust to the new environment".
The evolving political and humanitarian global situation raises continued challenges to the responsability of the international community to protect the victims of forced displacement, concluded Mgr. Tomasi, noting that "refugees are not anonymous numbers, but persons, men, women and children, with individual stories, with talents to offer and aspirations to be met". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 06/10/2011)
