ASIA/PHILIPPINES - More than 600 thousand displaced persons, victims of typhoons: humanitarian help is urgently needed

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Manila (Agenzia Fides) - "More than 600 thousand displaced people are struggling to survive, they are in the pouring rain, and they find shelter in churches, they hope to receive humanitarian help", says Fr. Socrates Mesiona, National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in the Philippines, tracing a picture of the situation, after two consecutive typhoons, the first "Pedring" then "Quiel", have hit the North of the Philippines, leaving a trail of destruction, displaced persons, suffering.
"In the Philippines 'late typhoons' (compared to the regular season) have become more frequent and vicious", notes Fr. Mesiona. Last 27 September, typhoon "Pedring" (international name: "Nesat") entered the northern part of the Philippine leaving damage to lives-55 dead-and properties (agriculture and infrastructure) estimated to reach 9 billion pesos ($ 215 million). "Many villages have been submerged underwater. People had to climb on rooftops to escape from the rising water as able-bodied people had to help the elderly and children. Many farmers who were expecting a harvest in a couple of weeks, were devastated to see their farms destroyed and shattered by the typhoon", says Fr. Socrates.
Just as he was trying to take stock of the damage, four days after the disaster, another typhoon named "Quiel" (international name: "Nalgae") hit the same area. Assistance centers have been set up by the government and government organizations, while food, medicine, clothes and other relief supplies are urgently needed. "Many churches have been transformed into centers to accommodate the refugees, and Catholic volunteers are deeply involved in rescue and assistance", says the Director of the PMS.
"The displaced people as a whole, are about 600,000, mostly women and children. Many villages are still under water and have to struggle for food, shelter and sanitation. According to meteorologists, among other things, it is possible that more typhoons are expected to come", said Fr. Mesiona who is very concerned.
Among the good things in this catastrophe, is "the outpouring support and help that comes from kind-hearted and generous people. The damage is so great that help and assistance is always most welcome and appreciated", said Father Mesiona. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 06/10/2011)
