AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Different dialogues to build peace: conflict analysis and experiences of dialogue

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - Today and tomorrow, October 6 and 7, the Third National Meeting for Peace-building with the title "Different dialogues to build peace" will be held in Bogota, at the headquarters of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia (ECC). The event aims to promote a meeting with various civil society protagonists, of the state and the international community, in order to analyze the various conflicts that affect the area today and the experiences of regional dialogue in the context of a "different form of dialogue" than in the past. This meeting also aims to highlight the role of women in the work of building peace. All this is to rethink about the political solutions concerning armed conflicts and new ways to build peace.
In the note sent to Fides by the Colombian Episcopal Conference states that some experts will bring their contribution to the Meeting, who will intervene on the issues of peace building and the different types of violent conflict, and testimonies and experiences of those directly affected by such problems will be presented. The meeting is aimed at social and ecclesial movements working for peace, civil society organizations in Colombia, the organizations of victims, educational institutions, the delegates of public and private administrative offices, the international community and trade unions. The meeting was convened by the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral (NSSP/Caritas Colombiana), Trocaire, Institute of Popular Education, Corporación Nuevo Arco Iris, Planeta Paz, Indepaz, among others. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 06/10/2011)
