AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Humanitarian Aid of the Church to the indigenous peoples who march towards the capital

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) –Some news on the Itnpis march, which has started again and is heading towards La Paz, was sent to Fides by the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia. Participants in the march told the international press that they have recognized the Church's humanitarian support during the march, especially before, during and after the violent intervention of the police who wanted to stop the march in Yucumo. The representatives of the Social Pastoral Caritas Boliviana moved to the new Vicariate of Reyes to coordinate new humanitarian aid to the participants in the march, who had taken refuge in parishes and religious houses in Yucumo, San Borja and Rurrenabaque before starting the march again.
Unfortunately, according to the testimony of protesters, there are still 3 people missing after the violent intervention of the police a week ago. In Rurrenabaque the natives were welcomed into the parish rectory, where the local people gave them all the assistance they needed. In Yucumo the Missionary Sisters of Christ Jesus, present with a community, were delegated to represent the Church in this area during the conflict between the police and demonstrators.
The protesters testified that after the intervention of the police, on Sunday, Sept. 27, the sisters tried to avoid many people to be taken away by the police in San Borja, and then they went in search of people who had taken refuge in the forest to escape the tear gas. " People everywhere thank the Church for offering its humanitarian aid during this period", said Juan Carlos Velasquez, responsible of Caritas Boliviana to the Catholic Press. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 05/10/2011)
