ASIA/PAKISTAN - Stalemate in the economy, floods, Qadri’s case, blasphemy: government crisis, risks for Minorities increase

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – The economy, the controversy concerning the lack of electricity to vast parts of the population, the slow progress in the management of flood emergency have had a decisive influence on the government crisis including the difficult relations with the United States, which has reached historic lows, but also the thorny case of Mumtaz Qadri’s death sentence, Governor of Punjab’s murderer, "a Muslim hero and defender of the Prophet", the state wants to eliminate, and inviolability of the blasphemy law: these are all reasons, note authoritative sources of Fides in Pakistan, behind the decision of the Pakistan Muslim League-Q (PML-Q), which has decided to step out of the government led by Pakistan People Party (PPP) of President Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Raza Gilani, condemning "the 'inefficiency of the executive, which has failed to commit itself to the people. "
The government of the PPP, if they do not find in the next few days, another ally in Parliament, it is destined to fall, and observers note that it will be very difficult for it to resist, given that three major parties like the Pakistan Muslim League-Q (PML-Q), Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) have started talks to form a united front of opposition, which would leave little room for maneuver to the PPP.
The PML-Q ministers have resigned, and also Akram Gill, a minister of state for inter-religious Harmony - the department that supervised the problems of religious minorities - has left office. According to Fides sources, "the country could face a period of great instability, with serious domestic and international repercussions. The situation for minorities gets more and more gloomy. If the current government maintained a semblance of secularism and respect for rights, a political front with Islamic religious roots could put further at risk and penalize even more the status of minorities in the country, increasing the pressure". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/10/2011)
