AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - The Church is expecting greater state investment in health and education

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church in El Salvador considers education fundamental for the development of a country and, after the draft budget for 2012 recently presented by the Ministry of Finance, showed its appreciation for the increase in funding destined to health and education. In a recent statement, His Exc. Mgr. José Luis Escobar Alas, Archbishop of San Salvador, said that the theme of the budget is of fundamental importance for the entire country and that the Church is waiting for it to be approved. "It is important to discuss with great freedom, everyone’s good will and cooperation", added the Archbishop during the Sunday homily. He also stressed the fact that in past years there were experiences for which the budget was delayed, affecting the nation, "we hope that now there are no blocks and measures are taken in time". The budget will be approved no later than the end of the year and the three big bets are education, health and upbringing. The Archbishop also noted the difficulties of the government to work in social areas, especially in these three areas, paying attention to the poorest people. Mgr. Alas hopes that the conclusions of the national consultation proposed by the National Council for Education (NCE), called "Education for a country without violence" are not just words. "We hope that this is not only a proposal but it is put into practice to solve one of the most serious problems we have", underlined the Archbishop. According to the National Civil Police (NCP) survey, in 2011 103 students have died because of violence. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 04/10/2011)
