AMERICA/ARGENTINA - The 85th Mission Day in Argentina declared "National Day of Interest"

Monday, 3 October 2011

AMERICA/ARGENTINA - The 85th Mission Day in Argentina declared "National Day of Interest"
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - "The Secretary general of the Presidency of the nation declares the 85th World Mission day an event of National Interest to be celebrated on 8 and 9 October 2011, throughout the national territory". This is what is read in the "Boletin Oficial de la Republica Argentina", CXIX Year number 32,241, which reports the resolution 1267/2011 by the General Secretariat of Official Publications.
The reasons that led to this decision, citing the request and the presentation made by the National Directorate of the Pontifical Mission Societies, and the consideration that it is an event organized by the Pontifical Mission Societies of Argentina, to be celebrated throughout the national territory "in communion with all the countries of the world, in the context of the missions (October) and counts on the animation and the service of thousands of missionaries in the country and around the world".
Moreover, "this event would like to stress the witness and the living example of the Great Missionary Pope John Paul II, whose slogan, in this edition is: 'Missionary witnesses like Him, engaged with life'." (CE) (Agency Fides 03/10/2011)
