EUROPE/POLAND - Wherever you pray the rosary, there has to be the prayer for the Missions

Monday, 3 October 2011

Czestochowa (Agenzia Fides) - "The Rosary, a treasure to be rediscovered", was the theme of the Rosary Congress of the Archdiocese of Czestochowa, dedicated to the Blessed John Paul II, which took place on October 1 at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Myszków Mrzyglód. According to information Fides received, the Congress was attended by groups of the Living Rosary and different Rosary Missionary groups. Don Bogdan Michalski was also present, national Secretary of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith and of the Pontifical Society of St. Peter the Apostle.
During the meeting, don Jacek Gancarek, Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies of the Archdiocese of Czestochowa and custodian of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in Myszków Mrzyglód, presented the missionary catechesis on the theme: "The Rosary, a treasure to be rediscovered. History, ideas and testimonies". Don Gancarek presented the figure of the Servant of God, Pauline M. Jaricot, founder of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, recalling that for her " the Rosary was a tool to help the missions and missionaries. Always, wherever the groups of the Living Rosary are, there has to be the prayer for the missions of the Church".
During the Mass of thanksgiving for the beatification of John Paul II, His. Exc. Mgr. Antoni Dlugosz, Auxiliary Bishop of Czestochowa, who presided the celebration, said that the Blessed John Paul II made the Rosary the daily prayer of his life. "The Rosary is by its nature oriented to peace. The Rosary has also, always, been a prayer for the family and for the missions of the Church. We must foster this prayer in our parishes, shrines and families" said don Jacek Gancarek to Fides. (MF/SL) (Agenzia Fides 03/10/2011)
