ASIA/PAKISTAN - Governor Taseer's murderer sentenced to death, the Christians: "Courageous decision, but No to capital punishment "

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The anti-terrorism court in Pakistan has sentenced Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri to death, former Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer’s murderer. He had fought to defend Asia Bibi, a Christian woman unjustly sentenced to death for blasphemy, and to amend the articles of the Criminal Code that make up the so-called "law of blasphemy". The ruling, historic for Pakistan, has provoked protests by supporters of extremist Islamic groups that have announced a national campaign to block the death sentence.
Haroon Barkat Masih, president of the "Masihi Foundation", who is dealing with the defense of Asia Bibi and the rights of Christians in Pakistan, told Fides. "We oppose death penalty and are not glad for this verdict. We support the work of the judiciary: it is a very courageous decision on behalf of the court. For the first time in Pakistan a person involved in a high-profile murder has been condemned ".
"Salman Taseer - continues the President - was a proponent of the blasphemy law reform and was silenced for his views. Taseer had not offended anyone, but only asked to reject a law promulgated by a dictator: it is a law that not only created a suffocating environment for non-Muslims, but also for Muslims of this country. Qadri was celebrated as a hero, this insensitive extremist ideology should be discouraged. Today we have to eradicate the causes which led this man to take up the crime. We promote respect for people, faiths, everybody’s rights. We must all work together towards a more tolerant society".
Haroon Masih concludes by saying that "now we must pray, work and hope for the fate of Salmaan Taseer’s son, who is still in the hands of a group of kidnappers, and for those who are languishing in Pakistani jails with the unjust accusation of blasphemy". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 01/10/2011)
