ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Year of the Mission, among the obstacles of extremism and Islamization

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - "The Year of the Mission" in Pakistan was launched today in Karachi. As reported to Fides, the local Church has started the initiative, focused on the theme "Duc in Altum", at the conclusion of a three-day workshop in which about 100 among Bishops, priests, religious, laity, theologians from seven dioceses of Pakistan confronted each other to go more into depth about the challenges of the mission in the country. The Christians in Pakistan are a tiny minority (2% of the population, including one million Catholics), exposed to pressure from radical Islamic groups, problems of injustice, discrimination, restriction of religious freedom, as well as poverty and marginalization.
But, despite the difficult situation, "the call to be missionaries is universal and touches us closely", said in his inaugural Mass His Exc. Mgr. Max John Rodrigues, Bishop of Hyderabad and President of the "Commission for the Mission" at the Episcopal Conference . The Bishop stressed the importance of evangelizing Pakistan in the current context, citing the words of St. Paul: "Woe to me if I did not preach the Gospel".
The opportunity to launch the Year of the Mission (1 October 2011-30 September 2012) is the 60th anniversary of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Pakistan, explained Father Mario Rodrigues, National Director of the PMS, while Fr. Emmanuel Asi, President of the Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Bishops developed the theme "Duc in Altum" in a biblical perspective. Inviting every faithful in Pakistan "to confront himself with the vocation of the Apostle Peter", Fr. Asi said that: "Duc in Altum is a call to become missionary disciples of Jesus".
In groups of study and reflection, participants highlighted the obstacles that Christians face in carrying out mission in Pakistan: religious fundamentalism, extremism, Islamification, limited freedom to evangelize, but also the lack of faith, feelings such as fear and depression "when the work does not bear fruit". In the Year of the Mission, the Church in Pakistan will try, among other things, to be present in the media, providing for the formation of the laity and base ecclesial communities, opening "new horizons to the Gospel in Pakistan." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 01/10/2011)
