ASIA/CHINA - "A Word of God a day" for the year 2012 has been published

Friday, 30 September 2011

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - "A Word of God a day" for 2012 has been published by Faith of He Bei. According to information received by Fides, Faith has been publishing "A Word of God a day" for 4 years, with great success. There are many requests on behalf of priests, pastors, base ecclesial community group leaders, volunteers and simple faithful lay Catholics who find this little "manual" so practical, useful for faith and mission. It contains a sentence of the Holy Scriptures for each day and some reflections on behalf of influential people. This year, according to the requirements of the Base Ecclesial Communities and of many priests engaged in pastoral work, the liturgical calendar and a small search index, to further facilitate the readers have been included.
According to the pastor of An Yang, of the He Nan province, don Zhang Yin Lin, the manual is "useful for the laity, because some faithful are not very educated and have difficulty looking for the daily readings of the liturgy. It is also easy to carry. The short reflections and sharing help the growth of faith, day by day. It is also useful for the priest, because it helps to prepare the homily and explore the themes of spiritual direction. "Don Pu Xiang Wu has purchased 1,080 copies for his believers, because "now it is their daily bread", he says. A volunteer of the Tia Yuan community in the Shan Xi province, last year purchased 960 copies, because, he said, "for faithful workers it is a practical tool without any special committment to live the Word of God every day by simply following a valid teaching text". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 30/09/2011)
