EUROPE/ITALY - The Permanent Episcopal Council of CEI recalls Mgr. Mazzolari "among the greatest missionaries of all times", the story of Africa and persecuted Christians

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "In Africa, as everyone knows, the fiftieth nation was born, South Sudan, to which we express our affection and our friendship. Main protagonist of this independence was one of our missionary brothers, His Exc. Mgr. Cesare Mazzolari: his sudden death ended up giving more emphasis to the work of this remarkable servant of the Gospel, due to his intelligence and dedication, he is worthy to be among the greatest missionaries of all times ". These are the words Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), expressed in his inaugural speech regarding the introduction of the work of the Permanent Council of Bishops, held in Rome on the afternoon of September 26. Referring to the various "situations of distress" that afflict the world, Cardinal Bagnasco first mentioned the Horn of Africa "where famine, the worst in the last sixty years, affects at least eleven million people", calling to "do everything possible to bring help to these people in their villages and in their cities": "Do not abandon these brothers, do not load on our conscience a new massacre".
The President of the CEI also pointed out that Africa is now subject to "pressures and influences - both internal and external - to cause concern for its realistic future of freedom and progress". However, he urged "not to give in", emphasizing "the many gestures of good news, which are not lacking". Therefore he continued: "We hope that you confirm the peaceful evolution that is taking place in Morocco and Jordan; that the situation in Syria does not degenerate even more and that there will be new internal balance; guarantees for everyone; and that from the tormented war in Libya, marked by the shadow of business, may at least draw international awareness to the sovereignty of a Country which cannot go against the right to life of its citizens. These revolutions are still assigned to the ten year anniversary of September 11, 2011 a character of movement and hope".
Finally, in the hope that the interfaith gathering at Assisi on October 27, twenty-five years after the first meeting by Pope John Paul II, "releases the full potential of its good", the President of the CEI stressed that "we are committed to pray" so this purpose can be achieved, and this "is the most significant way to show solidarity towards persecuted Christians in various Countries, from Iraq to Pakistan, from Vietnam to China". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 27/09/2011)
