AMERICA/CHILE - The Bishop of Valparaíso, "we must not accept any attack on the life of an unborn child for allegedly therapeutic reasons"

Monday, 26 September 2011

Santiago (Agenzia Fides) – Mgr. Gonzalo Duarte García, Bishop of Valparaiso, in Chile, has recently launched an appeal to the Christians of his country so that they oppose to the laws that allow abortion or are likely to weaken the family. "One of the biggest weaknesses of the Chilean society is the fragility of the family. And the Churches have no doubt a primary responsibility in this area, as well as the entire country. We should all show more love and more respect towards this institution", said Msgr. Duarte during a recent ecumenical meeting at the Cathedral of Valparaiso. The Bishop asked for special attention and care towards the difficult family situations of thousands of Chileans, in particular children,the youth, the elderly and single women, and urged all to reject the laws in favor of abortion. "While some medical procedures aimed at helping mothers end up with unwanted and unexpected death of the fetus, we must not accept any attack toward the life of an unborn child for allegedly therapeutic reasons". "The people of Chile have repeatedly proven to be up to the challenges it has to face. We have the opportunity to make bold and decisive steps towards building a more equal and inclusive society for everyone, especially for those who have historically been left on the sidelines. Let’s not miss this wonderful opportunity that the Lord is giving us", concluded Mgr. Duarte. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 26/09/2011)
