Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - As in many Latin American countries, the month of September is celebrated in Argentina as "the month of the Bible". For decades, this time of year, different parishes organize activities that highlight the importance of the sacred text for the life and faith of the community. Meetings, workshops, conferences for youth and children are organized; copies of the sacred text are sold at an affordable price; Churches are committed to initiatives dedicated to the Sacred Scripture. There are several proposals to experience this period, and many ecumenical activities between the various Christian churches are also promoted, some of which are part of the World Council of Churches (WCC). However, this event attracts participants from other churches that are not necessarily related to the ecumenical movement. For example, the Alliance of Christian Evangelical Churches of Argentina (ACIERA) has invited all its members for a period of fasting and prayer for 40 days, considering it an opportunity to reflect on the Bible and emphasize the difference it can make for the life of the country. The ACIERA brings together all the churches that have developed a literal reading of the sacred text and organizes regular meetings which are very crowded and marches in the cities of the country. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 22/09/2011)