AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - The national consultation starts today "Education for a country without violence"

Monday, 19 September 2011

San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church strongly supports the national consultation titled "Education for a country without violence." This was stated by His Exc. Mgr. Gregorio Rosa Chavez, auxiliary Bishop of San Salvador, who, referring to the conditions of insecurity that have occurred in some schools, said that the problem can no longer be postponed and the National Council of Public Education must find a solution. The consultation will begin today, September 19, involving a number of carefully selected groups, including students of national institutes, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists, NGOs and trade unions. They will be given a questionnaire on violence in schools and proposals to eliminate it. The result of the national consultation will be processed by a specialized technical team, and then delivered to the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety, the media, political parties and other sectors of national life.
Monsignor Rosa Chavez underlined that the initiative resembles the national debate for peace which took place in the '80s, which pledged to end civil war through negotiations. In addition, the Archbishop insists that "there is no solution unless we are united," hoping that the outcome of the consultation will become a proposal for a broad consensus. With regards to the justification of this national consultation, Mgr.Rosa Chavez sent to Fides his thought, expressed during a recent press meeting: "We want to collect these items unrelated to each other which are showing a chaotic situation. The facts are clear: firstly, violence inside and outside schools; secondly, the lack of trust in the police; and thirdly, the request not to have the police nearby. All this shows that there is something wrong". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 19/09/2011)
