ASIA/CHINA - Spiritual retreat for priests of Feng Xiang on the importance and sacredness of the liturgy

Monday, 19 September 2011

Xiang Feng (Agenzia Fides) - The Decree of the II Vatican Council "Presbyterorum Ordinis" and "The pastoral manual of parish priests" have been the subject of the annual spiritual Retreat for priests and religious women of the diocese of Feng Xiang, in Shaan Xi Province, which took place from September 5 to 13. According to reports by Faith Bei and sent to Fides, once again Mgr. Lucas Li Jing Feng, the ninety-year-old Bishop of the diocese who was personally invited by the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Synod on the Eucharist in 2005, was asked to guide the retreat himself. The Bishop paused to emphasize on the importance and sacredness of the Liturgy of the Church, strongly criticizing the so-called "new forms of prayer or celebrations" which are not permitted by the Church and unfortunately today are in fashion in some parishes. During the 8 days, 38 diocesan priests and 20 religious women of the diocese, shared prayer, meditation, Eucharistic adoration and the Via Crucis. At the end of the retreat a deacon of the diocese was ordained.
The diocese of Feng Xiang is divided into 4 deaneries and 30 parishes, with over 20,000 faithful, 38 priests (including 18 religious men) and 60 religious women who belong to 3 female congregations (Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Sisters of the Sacred Heart and The Little Sisters of Santa Teresa). The diocese was born as a Franciscan mission and to this day the devotees of the saint of Assisi continue to animate the diocese. There are two Marian shrines and a cemetery for Catholic priests in the diocese. The diocese also runs various social service organizations, such as health clinics and an orphanage. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 19/09/2011)
