AMERICA/MEXICO - The Church asks for more guarantees for the safety of journalists, "the martyrs of communication"

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Tijuana (Agenzia Fides) - Journalists are "courageous prophets", sometimes "martyrs of communication". The state needs to protect them, ensuring "the free practice and expression for those who carry out this profession", which is also "a very special vocation", "the profession of the truth". This is what was stated in a letter Fides received by Fr. Antonio Beltran Coronado, Coordinator of Pastoral Communications of the Archdiocese of Tijuana, the day after the violent death of two journalists in the early days of September.
According to Fr. Beltran, who works in the field of mass media must recognize, as in the ancient prophets, that "every communicator is an apostle of truth". In the work of journalists "there is a coherence that sometimes ends up investing the very lives of journalists and makes them martyrs of communication". The person in charge of the Archdiocese, Father Beltran, made an appeal not to give up this "work of truth and to continue to faithfully give information".
"The State must guarantee the practice and self-expression, of those who dedicate themselves in this field in a professional manner", he continued. Sometimes, he added this profession becomes "a very special vocation, because it is not something profitable, but a passion to pursue the truth. Fr. Beltran makes a comparison: "The task is to defend the faith they profess to their last breath. So, in the field of communication, the role of journalists is to defend the value of truth till their dying breath".
Last Sunday a march to demonstrate publicly against targeted violence was held in Mexico City, with the theme "The worst crime is silence" organized by the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/09/2011)
