ASIA/AFGHANISTAN-The Jesuits: no more cluster bombs, more hope for the country

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Kabul (Agenzia Fides) - The Jesuit missionaries in Afghanistan have welcomed the ratification, announced by the government in Kabul, of the International Convention for the banning of cluster bombs, which prohibits the use, production, storage and transfer. "The Afghan people have suffered much for the use of cluster bombs. By ratifying the treaty, the Afghans will no longer be victims of these despicable weapons, but will become advocates of banning them", said Fr. Peter Balleis in a statement sent to Fides, and who is the International Director of the "Jesuit Refugee Service". According to the Jesuits in Afghanistan, the elimination of cluster bombs "is a step to give more hope for the future peace of the country, where there are about 10 thousand militants that catalyze the international attention of 33 million Afghans eager for peace ".
Afghanistan had signed the Convention in 2008 in Norway, but was ratified only last 8 September, giving legal effect to the measure: the signatory states are required to get rid of munition stockpiles.
Cluster bombs have had a devastating effect on the country. Used since 1980 by the Soviet army, then by the rebels in the 90s and by U.S. forces in 2001-2002, they have caused more than 770 victims and thousands of wounded and mutilated, often children.
The "Jesuit Refugee Service" has been working in Afghanistan since 2005, when a team of Indian Jesuits started programs in higher education and university field where more than 3,600 young people benefit from. In another program, the Jesuits assist returning refugees in Afghanistan and the religious have also activated training and development programs dedicated specifically to women. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/09/2011)
