AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - "Maybe the truth is round the corner": Mgr. Rosa Chavez on the death of Mgr. Romero

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Auxiliary Bishop of San Salvador, His Exc. Mgr. Gregorio Rosa Chavez confirmed to Fides what he said at a press conference on Sunday, September 11, with regards to the recent publication by the journal "Diario CoLatino", of Mgr. Oscar Arnulfo Romero murderer’s name. According to the Bishop, this may be the critical starting point to explore everything that has been so far the focus of investigation into the murder of Mgr. Romero.
"I read with great interest the two pages of Diario CoLatina- Monsignor Rosa Chavez said during a press conference -. It is a theme that I have followed and looked into since Mgr. Romero's assassination. I was even in contact with the investigators of the Truth Commission. The last time we met was when they came looking for me – they were Peruvian investigators – they told me that almost everything was very clear, except the name of the man who had shot him", said the Auxiliary Bishop. "We, as Church, continued to investigate and found several names", he underlined in his statement to the press.
The Journal of San Salvador "Diario CoLatino" published on Thursday, September 8 the news that Mgr. Romero was shot by the sub-sergeant of the 2nd section of the National Guard, Marino Samayoa Acosta, a member of the team responsible for the security of the former President of the Republic, Colonel Arturo Armando Molina. The newspaper also reported that it was Mario Molina, the son of former President Molina, who suggested the name of the shooter. The founder of the Alianza Republicana Nacionalista party(ARENA), Roberto d'Aubuisson, was designated as the mastermind of the crime.
"We have valid elements as proof – said Mgr. Rosa Chavez - and there are those who know how the assassination was organized. Captain Saravia delivered information confirming the report of the Truth Commission. So who wants to reach the truth, with valid elements, now can do it. There are people who know the facts, perhaps this publication will allow to reach the end of the investigation", said Monsignor Rosa Chavez.
On 24 March 31 years ago, the Archbishop of San Salvador, Monsignor Oscar Romero, was assassinated by death squads while he was celebrating Mass (see Fides 24/3/2011). In 2010 the authorities of El Salvador established that this date becomes the "National Day of Mgr. Oscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez" (see Fides 12/03/2010). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/09/2011)
