ASIA - In the midst of difficulties and persecution "it is the time for mission in Asia"

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Guwahati (Agenzia Fides) - Amid the difficulties, poverty or persecution, the Christians of Asia "are called to renew the proclamation of the Word, mission, evangelization", says His Exc. Mgr. Thomas Menamparampil SDB, Indian Archbishop of Guwahati (northeastern India) and President of the Office for Evangelization, within the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC). From his privileged point of view, that supervises the challenges of mission in the vast continent, the Archbishop comments on the condition and prospects of the Christian communities in Asia. To the discriminated Christians in Pakistan or victims of violence in India; to those who suffer from the limitations of religious freedom in Central Asia; to communities which are sometimes persecuted in countries like Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, China; to the small or large and flourishing realities in Korea or in the Philippines; to all the faithful of the continent, the Archbishop sends a heartfelt message of hope through Fides: "it is precisely when difficulties arise, that people look for answers. It is when problems are intense, that the questions that people pose become deeper. May be this is such an hour for Asia. 'How long more ', the psalmist used to ask in agony. During the monsoons, it is when the heat becomes unbearable, that the rains fall in full measure. May the proclaimers of the Word in Asia win a hearing, as the land is thirsty for a message of because the earth is thirsty of the message, justice, peace, uprightness that Christ once preached". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 13/09/2011)
