VATICAN - Benedict XVI renewed the invitation "to always reject violence as a solution to problems"

Monday, 12 September 2011

Ancona (Agenzia Fides) - At the end of the Holy Mass celebrated in the Shipyard of the city of Ancona, on Sunday, Sept. 11, at the end of the XXV National Eucharistic Congress, Holy Father Benedict XVI recalled the tenth anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers in New York introducing the midday Angelus. These are the words of the Pope: "Today, our thoughts also go to September 11 2001. The Popoe entrusted the victims and their families to the Lord of Life, I invite the leaders of Nations and all men and women of good will, always reject violence as a solution to problems, to resist the temptation to hate, and to work in society inspired by the principles of solidarity, justice and peace".
In the telegram sent for this circumstance to His Exc. Mgr. Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop of New York and President of the Episcopal Conference of Catholic Bishops of the United States of America (U.S.C.C.B.), the Holy Father writes, inter alia: "The tragedy that day is aggravated by the alleged perpetrators of the act in the name of God. Once again, it must be unequivocally stated that no circumstance can ever justify acts of terrorism. Every human life is precious in the eyes of God and no effort should be spared in trying to promote around the world a genuine respect for the inalienable rights and dignity of persons and peoples everywhere". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 12/09/2011)
