ASIA/INDONESIA - Clashes between Christians and Muslims in the Moluccas. The Bishop: "Religious leaders peacemaker operators"

Monday, 12 September 2011

Ambon (Agenzia Fides) - Clashes between Christians and Muslims which occured yesterday, September 11, shocked the town of Ambon, the capital of the Moluccas, the islands in eastern Indonesian archipelago. As local sources of Fides inform, the clashes caused 3 deaths (a Christian and two Muslims), 20 wounded and 40 slightly injured. The tension remains high, but today in Ambon calmness has been restored, thanks to the prompt intervention of the police, local authorities, religious leaders. Also because the cause of the riots was a misunderstanding and a misrepresented episode due to bad information.
In an interview with Fides, His Exc. Mgr. Petrus Canisius Mandagi, Bishop of Amboina, reconstructs what happened: "It all started because of an ordinary car accident, in which the driver of a motorcycle taxi, a Muslim who was passing through the Christian quarter of Ambon was involved". The city in fact - after the conflict between Christians and Muslims 10 years ago - is still divided into a completely Christian neighborhood and a completely Muslim one. "Christians - the Bishop continues - rescued the man and tried to take him to hospital but unfortunately he died during transport. At this point a series of false and provocative text messages started to circulate, which spoke of a Muslim killed by Christians. So this is how the clashes started. The Muslims began attacking Christians across the border of two districts. The Christian citizens, in turn, attacked the Muslims. The clashes caused deaths and injuries: we are deeply saddened".
During "the hectic afternoon", the police immediately intervened to quell the unrest, siding along the border. But even religious leaders offered an immediate response. The Bishop explains to Fides: "I met, with other Christian leaders, Muslim religious leaders. As religious leader of the Moluccas we have launched a joint appeal to the people, to clarify the incident, calling for an end to all violence, which brings only destruction and pain. If there is an accident or a negative episode, one should immediately start to talk and not resort to violence. Let us defend peace together, we said, which is the most important asset".
Mgr. Mandagi says he is confident: "Everything seems clear. In the coming days we will intensify meetings between religious leaders, to build harmony and peace. The ideal path is dialogue, to be pursued at all levels. We will do our best".
The Moluccas were the scene of a conflict between Christians and Muslims between 1999 and 2002. The Bishop of Amboina underlines: "We still have in our memory problems concerning the past. Yesterday’s episode means that there is still a lot to be done to build peace, day by day, step by step. Some groups want to trigger a conflict and exploit it for their own interests or benefits. Above all the political groups opposed to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. But we do not want innocent people of the Moluccas to still to pay and suffer because of these power games". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/09/2011)
