ASIA/INDIA - Cardinal Gracias in Delhi after the attack: "Appeal for peace and harmony"

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Indian Bishops launch a strong appeal to desist from violence and build peace in India after the attack which this morning (at 6 am local time) hit the High Court in Delhi. As the police said, at least 9 people were killed and 45 others injured by the explosion of a bomb placed outside the main entrance of the complex that houses the Court.
Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Mumbai and President of the Episcopal Conference of India, interviewed by Fides, said: "The Bishops of India are deeply disturbed by this new act of violence and terrorism: we condemn those responsible and once again we ask all to build brotherhood and peace in the country. The Church wants to help promote love, peace and harmony in society: we hope that the perpetrators of such acts of violence to desist from their purpose and work together to build a united and peaceful nation. This is the appeal and the commitment of the Church".
The Cardinal also had the opportunity to touch the raw nerve of violence suffered by Christians in India after the recent news of a Catholic church destroyed in Kerala (see Fides 07/09/2011), and he told Fides: "We learn, with sadness, about these episodes. Fortunately, these episodes are sporadic, and do not take place all over India, because Indians are people who love peace. There are, however, some fundamentalist groups: we turn to them to recall that violence in the name of religion is an abuse of religion. Christians want to promote love and serve the country and will always be committed to these values". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/09/2011)
