ASIA/MYANMAR - A "Peace Committee" for conflicts with ethnic minorities: the hopes of the Church

Monday, 5 September 2011

Naypyitaw (Agenzia Fides) - A special "Peace Committee" will deal with the conflicts with ethnic minorities: this is what Myanmar’s Parliament has decided with regards to a measure for the establishment of a Committee destined to mediate and seek operational solutions to pacify the country’s ongoing conflicts, that in some cases, has been going on for over 60 years. According to Fides sources in Myanmar, the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi may also be present in the Committee: this hypothesis, although not yet formally considered, but this is the rumor that is circulating in the Burmese political environment.
The news of a new "Peace Committee" has been welcomed by the Burmese Church, present in areas of conflict and that often, through programs and services offered by Caritas, is the only organization to offer humanitarian aid and solidarity to civilians, victims of war. His Exc. Mgr. Raymond Saw Po Ray, Bishop of Mawlamyine and President of the "Justice and Peace Committee" in the Episcopal Conference of Myanmar, comments to Fides: "We have learned of the imminent formation of the new Peace Committee, but there is no news yet on who will become a member and how it intends to operate. We will see and wait before judging. We hope, however, that it is a step in the right direction, to try to pacify the country. We follow closely and with concern the situation regarding the conflicts with ethnic minorities in the country. We are all aware that this is a crucial issue for the future of the nation. We want to work to build peace in Myanmar".
On current conflicts, His Exc. Mgr. Alexandre Cho, Bishop of Pyay, explains to Fides: "It is very difficult to say what is going on because the news is fragmentary, and conflicts are in remote areas. It was necessary, however, to do something to find a new path of peace with ethnic groups, we hope that this Committee can bear fruit, so that peace triumphs".
Currently civil war in northern Myanmar continues between the Burmese army and the guerrillas of the Kachin Independent Army, with great suffering for the civilian population of ethnic Kachin group, and at least 20 thousand displaced people. Other conflicts, more or less latent, affect the populations of ethnic Karen, Shan and other ethnic groups. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/09/2011)
