ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - A guide to the 130 shrines in the country, valuable assets of the local Church

Friday, 26 August 2011

Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The publication of a guide which will illustrate about 130 shrines in Korea is scheduled for next September. According to information sent to Fides by the Episcopal Korean Conference, the brochure will include a brief introduction to the shrines of each diocese, a map for those who want to make the pilgrimage on foot, the information on the hours of the Masses, confessions and spiritual retreats. The initiative was made by the Subcommittee on pilgrimages and shrines, which is part of the Episcopal Korean Conference Commission which deals with the pastoral care of migrants and foreigners living in Korea. According to Don. Andrew Heo Yoon-jin, Secretary of the Commission, the brochure will be very helpful to the faithful who want to make a pilgrimage individually or in small groups, while the President of the Commission itself, the Bishop of Daejon, Mgr. Lazzaro You Heung-sik, underlined that the shrines are special assets and treasures for the local Church, so the brochure will provide valuable guidance to get to know them and go there on pilgrimage. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 26/08/2011)
