EUROPE/ITALY -The national Week of missionary formation and spirituality begins

Friday, 26 August 2011

Cassino (Agenzia Fides) - Today, August 26, the ninth "National week of missionary formation and spirituality begins" which introduces the themes chosen for the missionary promotion of the Italian ecclesial communities in the new pastoral year 2011/2012. This year,the Week will take place near the great Benedictine monastery in Montecassino, "ideal place for spreading Christian faith and origin of missionary zeal since the first millennium, writes Don Gianni Cesena, Director of the Office for Missionary Cooperation of CEI, inviting the diocesan and parish leaders, team members of missionary Diocesan Offices and Centers, those responsible of missionary Institutes and male and female Congregations, NGOs and Onlus operators to this appointment. This moment of in-depth examination, prayer, formation and spirituality, which ends on Aug. 31, will be devoted to reflection on the theme "Witnesses of God, witnesses of mercy", chosen for the benefits of animation 2011- 2012, in consonance with decennial Church Guidelines in Italy on education and to listen to the events in many countries around the world, "where Christians are increasingly called to be witnesses of God also in difficult or adverse circumstances". In explaining the objectives of the Week, it is emphasized that "Testimony, which by its nature is reference to Another, must not attract main attention on the witness (even when he is a martyr), but on the testimony, on God. On the other hand, to "say God" the Scriptures and its witnesses mainly orient to the ever-renewed wonder and contemplation of his merciful love. However, the reference to God's mercy, in order for it to be authentic, asks to be experienced. Only those who have personally received mercy - and therefore recognizes himself as being poor but loved - can announce in a credible way God’s «incredible« mercy". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 26/08/2011)
