AMERICA/COLOMBIA - The Week for Peace sponsored by the Episcopal Conference has started

Friday, 12 August 2011

Bogota (Fides Service) - On August 11, 2011 the Week for Peace sponsored by the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, through the National Secretariat for Social Pastoral and REDEPAZ (National Network for Peace initiatives) started. The initiative is part of the V National Reconciliation Congress
The Week for Peace aims to make the efforts of thousands of people who work for the promotion of peace initiatives and for the dignity of the human person visible. The National Secretariat for Social Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia and REDEPAZ have managed this project since 1994.
This year's Peace Week aims to create awareness among the citizens with regards to the need to contribute to peace building through individual and collective commitment to support the actions of rehabilitation and compensation to victims, and to promote civil society action for a political solution to the internal armed conflict.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 12/08/2011)
