AFRICA/KENYA - Drought emergency in the Horn of Africa: 2,500 people a day arrive in the Dadaab camps in Somalia. Caritas need help

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - The tragic famine that is affecting the countries of the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Kenya) has mobilized various humanitarian organizations. These include the Caritas around the world. The most dramatic situation is that of the Somalis fleeing from famine and war raging in their country. The two major camps for displaced Somalis are Dadaab, in Kenya, and Dollo Ado, in Ethiopia.
Fides telephoned Suzanna Tkalec, of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), who assists His Exc. Mgr. Giorgio Bertin, Bishop of Djibouti and Apostolic Administrator of Mogadishu, as president of Caritas Somalia, to handle the emergency of the Somali refugees (see Fides 26/7/2011).
"We are working in Dadaab, refugee camp in Kenya which is situated 80 km from the border with Somalia", says Ms. Tkalec to Fides. " On average 2,500 people arrive at this camp every day, 80% are mothers with young children". "Instead of a single refugee camp in Dadaab there are many camps gathered" says the head of the CRS. "These facilities provide, health care, water and food"
As for Somalia, Mrs. Tkalec recalls that "for security reasons the decision not to publicize the activities of humanitarian organizations operating in Somalia was made". "What we can say is that the various Caritas send aid to Somalia through some local partners".
The drought also affects the people of Kenya and Ethiopia. "In Kenya, says the head of different national Caritas-CRS has been working with the diocese and the local Caritas in assistance projects for years. These organizations immediately started with their local partners, programs to tackle the drought emergency, primarily to provide food and water "(L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 07/30/2011)
