Ixtepec (Agenzia Fides) - The speaker of the Organization of American States (the Spanish acronym is OAS), Felipe González Morales, yesterday afternoon received, the caravan of migrants "Steps for Peace" at the hotel, "Hermanos en el camino ", in Ixtepec City.
Accompanied by the priest Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, representative of the Pastoral of Human Mobility in the southern Mexican Episcopate, González Morales explained that the purpose of his visit is to verify the situation of immigrants from Central America, in order to develop a series of recommendations to the federal government and local policies on migration.
"With these recommendations, we want the police to act effectively to prevent the violation of human rights of migrants, so that judges can act with diligence and people like father Solalinde can do their jobs safely", said González Morales.
The rapporteur expressed his appreciation for the work done by organizations for the defense of human rights of migrants and promised to listen to the testimonies of victims of kidnappings.
González Morales said after the visit, which in addition to proposing a series of recommendations, will write a detailed report on the situation of migrants in Mexico, where topics such as kidnappings and killings of migrants, the situation at checkpoints , the participation of civil society, the immigration law will be discussed.
(EC) (Agenzia Fides 07/28/2011)