VATICAN - Meeting of the Populorum Progressio Foundation in Brazil: 216 projects in favor of indigenous communities, mestizos and Afro-American are to be examined

Friday, 15 July 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - From July 19 to 22, the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Foundation Populorum Progressio, entrusted since its foundation in 1992 to the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, will take place at the Monastery of the Transfiguration of Castanhal, near the city of Belem do Para, Brazil. Like every year, the Bishops who form it are called to resolve the funding of projects in favor of indigenous communities, mestizos and Afro-American farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Foundation receives funds to finance mainly Committee projects for charitable interventions in favor of Third World countries, of the Italian Episcopal Conference.
According to the statement released by Cor Unum, the Board of Directors of the Foundation traditionally celebrates its annual meeting in a country of Latin America to better know the reality and to make public the activities of the Foundation in particular Churches. This year, this is the first meeting of the Council alongside the new President of the Foundation, Cardinal Robert Sarah. The event is held in Brazil: therefore, special attention will be devoted to the situation of indigenous people, many in the country, and those segments of the population living in conditions of greater poverty. In addition, special attention will be given to the pastoral directions already accepted by the Foundation and from the Concluding Document of the Fifth General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate and the Caribbean.
On 19 July the Council will examine the socio-political and ecclesial situation in the various Latin American countries, to have a better idea of the needs that the various projects funded by the Foundation are called to respond to. On the same day there will be a solemn celebration in the new Cathedral of Castanhal. On 20 and 21 July individual projects presented by the Bishops of various countries will closely be examined and if necessary approved. The parish community of Nossa Senhora das Graças in Ananindeua will welcome the Board of Directors for the Eucharistic celebration, while on July 21 a solemn Mass in the Basilica - the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora de Nazare in Belem will be held.
This year 216 projects were presented for a value of U.S. $ 2,980,470 by 19 Countries. The most "active" countries in the presentation of the projects were Colombia (50) Brazil (43), Peru (23), Ecuador (18) and El Salvador (13). These initiatives will serve to meet the needs in different sectors: production (agriculture and farming, crafts, micro-businesses); community infrastructure (drinking water, latrines, community halls), education (training, school equipment, publications), health care (prevention campaigns, medical equipment for clinics); building (education and health centers). (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/15/2011)
