ASIA/CHINA - Last farewell to Fr. Franscesco Wei, 95 years old, more than 20 spent in prison

Friday, 15 July 2011

Chang Sha (Agenzia Fides) - At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, July 14, the Church of Chang Sha, the capital of the Hu Nan province, was packed with people who wanted to give a final farewell to the 95-year old Franciscan Father. Francesco Wei Shi Zhi, who returned to the Father's House on July 12. According to information gathered by Fides, dozens of priests concelebrated a solemn Mass for the repose in front of many of the faithful who came from all parts of China to accompany the final journey of this faithful follower of St. Francis, who was highly respected and appreciated , not only by faithful Catholics.
A local priest told Faith in He Bei, "Fr. Wei is an example for us young priests. He suffered more than 20 years in prison during the Cultural Revolution in China and never uttered a word of complaint. He strictly observed the Franciscan spirit of material poverty by following Christ's teaching firmly. Despite the suffering, he never betrayed his faith". When the church was reopened, "he worked closely with Msgr. Qu Tian Ci to give the best possible service to the Church that was coming back to life. Meeting the needs of the faithful was his daily life. He was the best collaborator of the Bishop, the best brother and father of young priests, the best priest for the faithful. In his life he was truly a living testimony of Christ". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 07/15/2011)
