ASIA/INDIA - The Indian Bishops: may the country find unity against terrorism

Thursday, 14 July 2011

New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - "We believe it is a time when the whole nation needs to be united to deal with terrorism in the strongest terms. United in the spirit of brotherhood, we will be able to overcome the powers that seek to destabilize our country": it is an appeal towards unity launched by the Episcopal Conference of India in the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Bombay. In a message sent to Fides, the Indian Bishops condemn bomb attacks and express "great sadness for these shameful acts", offering heartfelt condolences to the families who lost their loved ones, and remembering all the wounded who are in critical conditions in the hospitals in Bombay. "May God give them courage to face the pain and suffering, and bless them for an immediate recovery", the message says.
" Violence - the message continues- is never a lasting solution to any problem in society and indulging in it does nothing but bring misery to humans. Bombay, unfortunately, was again the victim of a senseless violence of terribly misled elements: this must be fought in all ways", underline the Bishops, launching an appeal to the nation for unity to contrast terrorism.
The message concludes: "We appeal to the government to do everything in its power to deal firmly with those elements of outlaws who are behind this heinous crime. And we ask all sectors of society to work together to contrast the nefarious plans of criminal groups who have caused much damage to peace and social harmony".(PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/14/2011)
