EUROPE/SPAIN-In Madrid, may the missionary vocation find a generous response from the young people of WYD

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "Madrid has 1,278 missionaries scattered across all continents, in 94 countries, belonging to 164 different religious and secular institutes. Madrid has to be, on the occasion of World Youth Day (WYD), a place where missionary vocation meets a generous and joyful response"- This is what the diocesan Council of Missions of the archdiocese of Madrid in Madrid Misionero n.180 says, in view of the approaching celebration of World Youth Day in August. Noting that many young people who will go through the streets of the capital, the parishes will be filled with young people from many different countries and cultures, to hear the Word of God, Catechesis of the Bishops, the teachings of the Holy Father, the text underlines: "The mission is always young!" but is time for young people who will attend World Youth Day in Madrid, to sign a "blank check" to the Lord. "Jesus needs decisive, audacious, courageous men and women", and despite the many excuses we can find for not responding positively to his call, the text is aimed at youth, recalling that "it is God who chooses, and it is He who gives necessary graces to accomplish his work". With the encouragement given to each young person to "be brave", not to be afraid to respond to the Lord who calls, this is what is hoped: "World Youth Day will be a great moment for young people, and also for the mission!". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/14/2011)
