VATICAN-"Great number of people exhausted by poverty, displaced persons and refugees, those who emigrate risking their lives: May Christ's gaze alight on all these people", recalls the Pope at the Angelus

Monday, 4 July 2011

Vatican City (Fides Service) - When Jesus walked the roads of Galilee, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and healing many sick people, he felt compassion for the crowds because they were tired and helpless, said the Holy Father Benedict XVI before the Angelus on Sunday 3 July, quoting the Gospel passage of the Sunday liturgy. "That look of Jesus seems to extend to this day, to our world - the Pope continued -. Even today his look lays on so many people burdened by difficult living conditions, but there are also no valid points of reference to find a meaning and existence in life. Multitudes are helpless in the poorest countries, exhausted by poverty, and even in the richest countries there are so many men and women who are dissatisfied, even people suffering from depression. Think of the many displaced persons and refugees, those who emigrate risking their lives. May Christ's gaze alight on all these people, indeed, on each of these sons of the Father in heaven, and he repeats: 'Come to me, all of you ...' (cf. Mt 11:28-30). "
"The true remedy for the wounds of humanity, both those materials, such as hunger and injustice, and psychological and moral well-being caused by a false wealth, is a rule of life based on brotherly love, which has its source in the ' love of God - the Pope explained -. For this we must abandon the path of arrogance, violence used to obtain positions of greater power, to ensure success at any cost. Even towards environment we must give up the aggressive style that has dominated in recent centuries and adopt a reasonable 'mildness'. But most of all in human, interpersonal, social relations, and the rule of respect and of non-violence, that is to say the force of truth against every injustice, is one that can ensure a future worthy of man". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 4 / 07 / 2011)
